They have shamelessly flaunted their wealth all year and hear we reveal the most shocking moments The Rich Kids of Instagram have showcased this year. Photos / Rich Kids of London Instgram
They have shamelessly flaunted their wealth all year and hear we reveal the most shocking moments The Rich Kids of Instagram have showcased this year. Photos / Rich Kids of London Instgram
They have left the world gobsmacked as they shamelessly flaunt their wealth on social media.
And while 2016 may have been a disastrous year for many of us the Rich Kids of Instagram are unlikely to have noticed as they while away their troubles with their plush lifestyles.
This year has seen the teens outdo themselves when it comes to showcasing their enviable lives.
There has been no lack of super cars and holidays have been rife as the teens make the most of their parent's generous nature.
Many of the recent photographs posted to the account see elegant young women lounging by their very own private pools.
While plenty of nations have their own dedicated "Rich Kids" account perhaps the most controversial is the Rich Kids of Tehran.
The account has gained worldwide attention by revealing what life is really like for some inside the notoriously strict Islamic Republic of Iran.
The page, which has over 114,000 followers, describes itself as "Stuff they don't want you to see about Iran".
The owners of the account insist that any pictures showing the young people drinking or in bikinis were taken outside of the Islamic country.
The owners of the account told MailOnline that their pictures provoke a range of reactions and added: "They all are different - some are positive, some say they are shocked as they knew Iran and heard of Iran from the Homeland series and the Argo movie! This really made us laugh!".
Perhaps one of the most shocking displays of wealth came from the Rich Kids of London, who last month, could be seen cutting up a black Amex card "for fun".
The video shared on the account sees a youngster using a circular motorised saw to slice the American Express card - which is only available to customers who spend over US$10,000 a month - in two.
Despite the exclusive nature of the card - which is invitation only - the teens obviously saw it as disposable as they had no problem destroying it.
Another Instagram account, which has amassed more than 188,000 followers, showcases the lifestyles of spoiled youngsters parading their parents' fortunes.
In another outrageous picture a youngster complains about having to drive a Bentley after crashing "the Aston".
And while the Rich Kids of London caused a stir with their spoiled attitude this behaviour isn't limited to the capital.
Photo / Rich Kids of London Instagram
Photo / Rich Kids of London Instagram
The Rich Kids of UK account dedicated to Britain's wealthiest teens sees the spoilt youngsters parading their fortunes as they sneer at those who shop at Primark.
The rich kids take pleasure in not only their own five star lives but in laughing at those less fortunate than themselves.
In a photograph of the popular discount clothing store Primark a member of the account wastes no time in poking fun of its customers.
Captioning the photo they write: "the peasants lining up to go in Primark".