Rich Bell made headlines when he started playing Pokemon Go. In a single month, the 29-year-old lost more than 4kg chasing Zubats and Spearows.
In the weeks since, however, Bell has stopped playing - like many other early Pokemaniacs. He hasn't been walking as much; in fact, he thinks he may have gained some of his weight back.
Bell is not alone: A new report from researchers at Microsoft found that Pokemon Go initially contributed to a major uptick in physical activity among its players, with possibly staggering public health effects. After downloading the game, the average highly engaged player increased his daily walks by 1473 steps.
But one month after starting, the report found, those gains began to fade. Healthy or not, most players just get sick of the game.
"I went hard for a couple of months or so, but it got boring after a while," Bell said. "I've caught almost every Pokemon that I can, visited most nearby places that were good for playing - it just started getting repetitive."