A few years ago I dabbled in making my own moisturiser. I had a whole lot of beeswax left after making some food wraps and was plotting what to do with it.
A little bubble bubble toil and trouble led me to create a simple, yet effective, moisturiser. It was really fun to make and the result was a thoroughly hydrating moisturiser that soaks into your skin beautifully.
Even my oldest child, who has eczema and sensitive skin, loved the result. This week I decided to have a go at another batch, to see if it was as easy as I remember. It is. And boy do my hands feel soft as I type this.
Sourcing the beeswax is the hardest challenge here, but it is easily overcome. When doing my research a few years ago I stumbled upon a NZ owned supplier of natural beauty product ingredients called Pure Nature. I grabbed my beeswax and almond oil from them online and it was really easy. They also have lots of other bits and pieces for making your own cosmetics, just in case you fall down that rabbit hole. It is easily done.