Looking for a steamy new romance? A change of career could be the answer.
After extensive research (me talking to three people) I have found the jobs most likely to land you a date. Drum roll please:
A gym receptionist.
A barista.
Struggling to meet people in your line of work? It might be time for a career change. Photo / Getty Images
Looking for a steamy new romance? A change of career could be the answer.
After extensive research (me talking to three people) I have found the jobs most likely to land you a date. Drum roll please:
A gym receptionist.
A barista.
And a bartender.
You might think this looks like my Covid scanner app history and you'd be right. Let's just say my research plan isn't worth an A+.
One Friday morning, I was walking to the gym and there was only one thing on my mind. Would I see the DH (dumb hot) receptionist? If you're a girl you'll know what I mean when I say he's the stranger I am crushing on and having elaborate day dreams about, even though we've never said more than a few words to each other: "Hi, how are you?" (But as a girl, you'll also know these are the best kind of crushes to have because there's no room for disappointment.)
I'm an expert in dating literature to the point where it's low-key embarrassing and what I've learnt is that making the first move with a man is a huge no-no. It's all about making him make the first move. And how does one do that? You must steer them in the right direction. It sounds difficult but I promise it's not because like sheep, men are easy to herd.
The DH gym receptionist is eye candy the same way an ab bearing Harry Styles was at the Grammys, so if 1+1 = 2 and 2+2 = 4 it doesn't take a mathematician to figure out I'm not the only one with eyes for him. How else do you motivate people to go to the gym if not for DH receptionists?
So, I wondered, how often does this man get asked on dates? And what job is most likely to score you a date?
With a lump in my throat I said to him, "Hi, I'm Lillie, a dating columnist and I am writing a new article about jobs most likely to score you a date so I was wondering –"
Cutting me off, he said, "Yes."
"Yes, I get asked on dates," he not-so-shockingly said.
So, after I walked away with clammy hands because that was a rush of blood to the head, I decided to find out what kind of jobs can score you a date.
I've asked my friends who have been baristas about being asked on dates and one told me it's not that hard to get a date while grinding beans. And I know bartenders score dates because I dated one for the free (not watered down) tequila shots.
So, what jobs don't score you a date?
I asked a former lifeguard and he told me that if you go down that career path, you won't score dates. Nor will you be rescuing toned, tanned hotties, bae-watch style. And after working in a newsroom, I can confirm that unless you're Jack Tame, journalists don't get dates either.
So if you're looking for the job that will score you the most dates, here's my advice: be a gym instructor/receptionist, a barista or a bartender. You'll be far more likely to land a date than a lifeguard or a journalist.
With Love, Meghan landed on the streaming platform this week to mixed reviews.