A growing number of celebrities, from teens to stars in their 70s are taking a stand against airbrushing, the most recent being 19-year-old singer and actress Zendaya who posted comparison images this week from a magazine photo shoot.
She joins long-time battler Kate Winslet whose brushes with image touch ups date back over a decade.
From her lean GQ cover in 2003 to rumours in 2009 that Winslet had requested airbrushing on a magazine cover be reversed, the star is hoping to put an end to her image editing as her new contract with Lancôme cites her campaigns will be "free of any additional editing".

Winslet told E! News: "I can only ever speak for myself and I can only ever do things that are important to me and it's a hope that other people might follow suit but it does feel important to me because I do think we have a responsibility to the younger generation of women."