Yael Shochat is the owner of the iconic Ima Cuisine on Auckland's Fort St. Here she shares her easy one-dish chicken and rice, perfect for a lazy Sunday afternoon.
What does Sunday look like in your kitchen?
Sunday is a family day for us because the restaurant is closed, so our daughters and their partners come for dinner. Sometimes it's a meal that I put lots of effort into, and as my husband often says "do you really have to use every dish in the kitchen?!" Whatever I make, there is always veges and a salad. Sometimes I've had a really hard week and I'll put something easy together like this meal here.
Why have you chosen to share this dish?
This dish is a quick tasty family meal that leaves you with very little washing up. There is loads of flavours and in summer you can load it with capsicum and slices of eggplant that you pre-cook in the oven with olive oil for even more awesomeness.