Put your 18x18mm cleats together, keeping both ends flush, and measure and mark 795mm. Using a builder's square, scribe a straight line. Cut along the line. Measure and mark the halfway point, the centre and 50mm in from either end. Drill a hole on each mark using a 5mm drill bit.
Step 3
Run a bead of glue along the length of cleat. Place the glued side flush with the inside of the bottom, one cleat to each of the sides of the toolbox. Make sure the cleat is just in from each end. Now fix using 32mm screws, one in each of your pre-drilled holes.
Step 4
Run a bead of glue along each end of the side panel. Line up your end panel with the arrised edges facing out, and making sure that the side panel (with the cleat on the inside) and an end panel are both flush, and flush at the bottom. Fix together using 40mm screws in your pre-drilled holes.
Step 5
Measure and cut your length of 25mm dowel to 823mm. Run a bead of glue to the other ends of the side panels and repeat the same process as before, but this time fix the screws halfway in. Place in the dowel handle and tighten up the screws.
Step 6
Your toolbox should now start to look like a toolbox, but without a bottom. Stand the box on its end with the bottom facing you. Measure, mark and cut two cleats at 220mm long to fit inside between the two side cleats. Pre-drill 30mm in from each end, glue and screw using 32mm screws flush with the bottom.
Step 7
Measure the inside length and width of your toolbox. Lay your 6mm MDF panel on the bench, then convert those measurements less 3mm for fit.
Using a square to scribe your mark to, cut along the mark.
You should be able to slide the bottom inside so that it sits neatly on the cleats, this doesn't need to be fixed down; having a removable bottom makes for easy cleaning.
To set up a plane, turn it upside down holding the knob. Looking down the length of the plane, use the adjustment nut so that the blade
appears as a black line.