Greig Morgan's nifty idea puts an end to soggy bath mats.
As an alternative to the towelling bath mat of old, this wooden slat mat couldn't be easier to make, or more elegant. It's not too soon to be thinking about Christmas presents, and this would make a perfect gift for the person who has almost everything.
Step 1 Measure and mark a series of 45x20mm slats with the aid of a square, and cut along the waste side of the pencil line. I cut eight lengths at 600mm to give me the desired effect.
Step 2 Starting at the front, lay the slats out with the aid of a spacer to help give a nice uniform spacing. I used a scrap piece of 7mm MDF.
Step 3 With the slat spacings all set out, measure and cut three support slats (45x20mm) to the same length.