Briana Chandler, 22, from St Cloud in Minnesota, USA, regularly battled comments growing-up that she was ‘light as a feather’ before finding weightlifting four-years-ago.
By Josh Saunders for Caters
A student has beaten depression thanks to "booty training" to chisel her "pencil thin" body and give her a "dream muscular butt".
Briana Chandler, 22, from St Cloud in Minnesota, USA, regularly battled comments growing-up that she was "light as a feather", should go "eat a cheeseburger" and was "too skinny".
She struggled with low-moods while studying and trying to pay her own way through college, before finding weightlifting four-years-ago.
Briana started working out to give herself a more feminine figure by exercising different parts of her body and focusing on chiselling her derriere up to three-times-a-week.
Briana shows off her chiseled bum, which admirers have assumed she achieved through surgery. Photos / Noel Daganta, Caters News Agency
Now she says people regularly compliment her giant glutes, with girls often asking to touch it to "see if it's real", asking for tips and she has even been accused of having surgery.
She says that building a big bum has helped her to overcome depression and now the social media influencer has an online following of over 270,000 people.
She said: "My family always joked that I was born with pencil legs and as I grew older people would tell me I needed to eat a cheeseburger and generally eat more.
"Others said that I was light as a feather, I was always small with a tiny frame and so looked skinny.
"At the beginning of college, I felt really unhappy and was really lost in life.
"Most people knew what they were doing and had career goals, I had nothing and became depressed.
"But instead of turning to drink or other things like some people my age, I went to the gym and tried to benefit myself mentally by getting myself to a happier, more positive place.
Briana shows off her figure in an elegant dress. Photo / Mike Tang
"I started training, working on my legs and butt three times a week and saw a lot of growth, while building more upper body to give myself a more feminine look.
"Overall, I feel more feminine than I ever did before, I looked like a stick in high school, I had no curves and so when gaining weight, I focussed on my butt.
"Now people say 'oh my god your butt is so big', they are blown away by it and always ask me for tips on getting the same results.
"Ladies often come up to me and ask what I do to get such an amazing bum, some even ask to touch it or whether it's real.
"Some make comments in disbelief, others tag their friends online and a few are so impressed they ask for instructions on how to do it themselves.
"One lady came up to me last week and asked, 'I'm getting my butt done next week, can I take a picture of your butt so to show my surgeon.'
"I laughed and told her I didn't get it from a surgeon, you have to work to get a butt like this as you work on each individual part of your glutes."
Briana began working out to benefit herself mentally. Photo / Leo of 4kVisuals, Caters News Agency
Briana struggled with low-moods and feeling unhappy while studying for her bachelor's degree and working two jobs to pay for her education.
She added: "A lot of the time when I was depressed I was taking tough classes, all of these things added up, then working two jobs on top I had a lot on my plate.
"I paid my way through college without any help and the financial stress from that left me in a depression."
Briana started going to the gym to battle depression and focused on toning up her derriere and overall body.
She gained two and a half stone (33lb) in muscle and believes having a fuller figure has given her more confidence.
Briana said: "I have a small waist now but wide looking hips, with large glutes and a toned upper body.
Briana demonstrates one of her workout moves. Photo / Leo of 4KVisuals, Caters News Agency
"I've gave myself a more feminine looking body by working out my bum, I don't believe in having surgery, you have to work to achieve this it's not something you can pay for."
Briana started an Instagram page to document her progress online and now has over 270,000 followers.
She says it's helped her to realise her achievements and stopped her from feeling depressed.
Briana said: "As soon as I realised the impact I was making on social media I began posting more and became impactful.
"Now if I have low days or feel depressed, I'm reminded by people that I'm inspiring them and my posts help them."
You can follow her workouts on Instagram @bribaebee
• CABLE KICKS Targetting underbutt and cellulite • HIP THRUST Places stress and tension on glutes • SQUATS WITH DUMBBELLS Tones glutes
Breakfast - Orange juice and a small bowl of cereal Lunch - Slice of pizza and a green apple Snacks - Orange slices and water Dinner - Half a pork chop and corn or peas
Breakfast - Greek yogurt smoothie with half a lime and one cup of frozen fruits Snacks - Nectarines or green peppers with hummus Lunch - Rice, shrimp and homemade sauce Snacks - Beef jerky or chocolate peanut butter protein shake Dinner - Tilapia tacos in lettuce wrap Dessert - Small portion of Lindor chocolates
• Lifeline: 0800 543 354 (available 24/7) • Suicide Crisis Helpline: 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO) (available 24/7) • Youth services: (06) 3555 906 • Youthline: 0800 376 633 • Kidsline: 0800 543 754 (available 24/7) • Whatsup: 0800 942 8787 (1pm to 11pm) • The Word • Depression helpline: 0800 111 757 (available 24/7) • Rainbow Youth: (09) 376 4155 • CASPER Suicide Prevention If it is an emergency and you feel like you or someone else is at risk, call 111.