You may have heard the expression, 'not all calories are equal', and indeed when it comes to liquid calories, the ones we consume via a variety of smoothies, juices, coffees, wines and spirits we need to be particularly careful.
You see, when we consume our calories via liquids, not only do we not register that we have actually consumed this many calories but especially sugary drinks such as soft drinks and juices are more likely to see fat accumulated in the liver when we drink them regularly. Soft drink is also one of the only individual food groups directly linked to excessive sugar consumption and weight gain. So if you have not done so before, it may be worth considering how many of your daily calories you are actually drinking.

Some of us start our day with coffee, others a green smoothie or maybe you are more of a juice person. Whatever your morning go to, chances are it could be adding almost a breakfast worth of calories without you realising it. Take a coffee for example, a black coffee with a dash of milk contains an insignificant number of calories and sugar, while a large caramel Latte contains at least 200 calories and more than 5 teaspoons of sugar. Or an average serve of fruit juice will offer at least 200 calories and 6 teaspoons of sugar, while a large smoothie will clock in with at least 400 calories and up to 12 teaspoons of sugar. So if your goal is weight control and to keep your sugar intake to a minimum, when it comes to breakfast drinks, choose small unflavoured coffees, vegetable juices in place of fruit and order a small smoothie and remember it is the meal, not just a drink.