Jigsaws! They're a trivial pursuit, a weird pastime. For the past six years a woman in Canada – a sort of Papamoa with bears – has been trying to break the Guinness Book of Records for solving jigsaws. In an interview in 2013, Jodie Desbiens said she turned to puzzles when she quit drinking: "I just decided to quit. I wasn't really an alcoholic. I liked to drink and party and I was young. But it just wasn't so fun anymore and I started the puzzles." She read that the world record was 238. She set about making more and surpassed it, but then read that a woman in the Philippines had made 1028. She set about making more, and surpassed it, then read that a woman in Brazil had made 1047. It remains the world record assault on the number of times someone has completed a jigsaw.
Jigsaws! The one I got is a painting which depicts celebrities at a diner. It must have been made sometime after 2004, because there's Brangelina. There's also Leonardo, Oprah, Elvis, Jackie O, Dr Spock – oh God there's Bill Cosby, smirking. Worse, there's Donald Trump, hollering. The walls are yellow, there are palm trees, meals, drinks, Harry Potter looks depressed. Awesome jigsaw.
Jigsaws! Minka worked on it for two hours solid. I was really impressed. She had stamina, a good eye and first-rate organisational skills. She led the way, quickly and efficiently; I plodded behind her, a faithful dog, pawing at the most obvious pieces. We completed the four borders. We set aside faces and hands. We made a flying start to the jigsaw.
Jigsaws! That was three weeks ago. Since then it's mainly become my thing, my steady, determined mania, night and day, experiencing moments of triumph while staying very close to the edge of despair. A jigsaw is life. It's looking for patterns, it's the war on emptiness. It's trying to make logic out of chaos. It's a slog and it's so very, very difficult. No wonder Harry Potter looks depressed. There's no magic in a jigsaw.
Jigsaws! I'm getting there. I'm picking up the pieces and putting them together. I've got all of Cameron Diaz and most of Dustin Hoffman. Whoopi Goldberg was easy, I don't know the celebrity next to Arnold Schwarzenegger. To jigsaw is to puzzle it out and sometimes it's driving me up the yellow wall and I worry that I'll never, ever finish but actually, there are long stretches when I'm happy, serene, at peace - I'm calmly going about the business of creating a work of art. It's taking shape. It's looking good. It's interlocking; it's a jigsaw.