Belle (right) has now lost 90kg and Anastasia (left) has lost 77kg. Photo / Caters News Agency
Belle (right) has now lost 90kg and Anastasia (left) has lost 77kg. Photo / Caters News Agency
Two morbidly obese sisters have lost an incredible 167kg in the last year after making a surgery pact together and, incredibly, they're still shrinking.
Annabelle Chiarello, 16, and her sister Anastasia, 24 from Montaray, NSW, both battled with the bulge their entire lives, with the teenager wearing 7XL shirts at her heaviest and her sister squeezing into a size 26.
The incredibly close siblings grew up gorging on giant portions of pasta and bread, and snacked on family blocks of chocolate, causing their waistlines to stretch to huge proportions.
Annabelle Chiarello, 16, and her sister Anastasia, 24, have new lives thanks to their drastic weight-loss pact. Photo / Caters News Agency
At just 13, Belle tipped the scales at 248kg. Doctors warned she needed to lose weight or die, and recommended having a gastric sleeve (VSG) fitted.
When the young teen was scared about having the procedure, loving sister Anastasia stepped in and made a pact to have the surgery too in a bid to encourage Belle.
The teenager went under the knife in Oct. last year, just three months after Anastasia, who weighed 165kg at the time of her surgery.
Now the sisters have lost a combined 167kg but are continuing to shrink together, and are determined to fight their flab for good.
Belle said: "My whole family loves food so it's always been a big part of my life.
The sisters have been incredibly close since their parents split, with Belle even moving in with her elder sister.
Ana said: "We've both always struggled with our weight, but watching Belle balloon at such a young age was concerning.
Annabelle and Anastasia before they made their pact. Photo / Caters News Agency
"By the time she was 13, she was pushing the 200kg mark and I was extremely worried about her.
"But food was our go-to to help cope with the fact our parents were splitting up and whenever we tried to eat healthier, we'd always go back to our carb loving ways.
"When the doctor told her to lose weight or die, I knew I had to support her any way I could. Offering to have surgery with her was an easy decision. Plus, I needed help too."
Belle and Ana had lived on similar diets, of huge portions of pasta and bread, and lots of chocolate.
"Looking back at what I used to eat and it wasn't all bad. I was just eating way too much of it," said Annabelle.
"I'd eat about three big bowls of cereal for brekkie, then would have two or three sandwiches for lunch. At home, I'd devour bowls of pasta for dinner and would snack on chips and chocolate in between.
"I knew I was big, but I didn't realise how bad it was because I was surrounded by people who were all big too. But I was wearing 7XL men tops and shorts with elasticated waists. I was the size of a burly man."
Two morbidly obese sisters have lost a staggering 162kgs in the last year after making a slimming pact together. Photo / Caters News Agency
Belle - who was bullied her whole life because of her size - knew surgery was the only option.
She said: "I tried diets a couple of times growing up, but I had no will power. I didn't know how to say no.
"My mum Vicki had to draw on her super to pay for my $10,000 surgery, which was at a discounted rate because my surgeon was desperate to help me. Then Ana paid for hers through her own super."
"Back home I was able to support her through the puree stage, which was tough. She'd never experienced hunger before. But I was right there with her, telling her she'd get through it."
On their slimming missions together, the sisters swapped their huge pasta dinners for healthier options like salads and wraps.
Before and after of Annabelle and Anastasia. Photo / Caters News Agency
Belle said: "At first it was tough, but with both of us on the same diet, it made things bearable. The worst part was I missed food. I was used to eating so much before, now my portions were tiny and I felt full quickly. But as the weight came off, I knew skipping my favourite foods was worth it.
"I'd been struggling to walk very far before my surgery, but I noticed a huge difference in my energy levels. I even started going to the gym."
In the last year since their surgery, Belle and Anastasia have shed a combined 167kg and continue to lose more weight every day.
Belle said: "I've lost 90kg now and am happier than I ever imagined. I know I've still got a long way to go, but for once there's hope on the horizon.