We're dressing like we're 15 and we've been out all night drinking KGBs in the park, stayed at our friend's house, slept in their brother's leavers jersey and now we're sitting on the doorstep trying not to spew while we wait for our mum to pick us up.
Hailey Baldwin channels the "Mum, just drive please" look of your teenage weekends. Photo / Getty Images
Look, you don't even have to take my uneducated, chain store-shopping word for it.
Cool and Respected People at Vogue are in on it too, recently declaring, "Bad Taste, the Best Thing To Happen to Fashion."
And Vanity Fair wrote about the rise of the "Scumbro": men dressing in clothes that make them look like they never open their curtains and only skulk down from their cesspit rooms once a month to return 11 mugs to the kitchen.
"Can women be Scumbros?" you ask. "Should women be Scumbros?"
If you really want to push the boat out, you can whack on some Fashion Hairclips or a Fashion Headband. But for an Everyday Lewk, simply scrape your slick little strands into a filthy low bun, and voila.
Chunky knits, the kind that used to be reserved for wearing at your family bach, the box-like ones that make you resemble one giant boob shelf, they are now Fashion, Babes.
We might not yet have equal pay, but no longer do we need to traipse out of Longroom - carrying our high heels in our sweaty little paws - and head to A&E to have our feet amputated from the pain.
Don't know who Nirvana is? Neither Hon, don't worry, doesn't even matter.
Simply buy an Ali Express knock off, pair it with your wide leggies and colonial man 'do and saunter off to boozy brunch like the basic b**** you are. Love this for you.