The behaviour of inconsiderate drivers on the open road has already been examined in minute detail. Of course, self-centred behaviour is not evident only on state highways. The me-me-me style of driving can also be observed in the city and suburbs. From the way some people negotiate intersections (especially those with traffic lights) you'd be forgiven for wondering if they got their driver's licence in a Weetbix packet.
Here are the five key offences
Leaving a big gap:
When joining a stationary queue at an intersection, rather than getting close to the vehicle in front and stopping, some motorists come to a halt about two or three car lengths away. I've never understood what fuels this behaviour. I only know it's really annoying. It's made even worse when they spend the next few minutes inching forward then stopping then inching forward then stopping - causing the drivers behind them to join this ridiculous, needless, petrol-guzzling stop-start-stop-start dance. When this nasty habit also happens to prevent vehicles behind from taking advantage of a free left turn, it is doubly senseless.
Having slow reactions: