When my husband's nieces and nephews were small he'd sometimes be asked to buy a raffle ticket or two associated with school fundraising projects. I was always struck by the energy involved in completing such transactions. Taking into account time on the telephone and sometimes travel between different municipal zones to exchange the cash, it seemed a ridiculously inefficient way of eliciting a sum that lay in the vicinity of $2.50 and $5. The petrol cost would have been higher than that. This was definitely not eco-friendly fundraising.
I wasn't convinced by the sponsorship drives either: "Hey, I'm not really interested in paying $10 so you can jump rope for an hour but if you feel like washing my car we can talk." I still don't get it. Surely an "odd-job drive" would be more useful and more enlightening for the children than getting paid for performing some random physical activity as if they're Beckham, Bolt, Federer or Woods.
I always vowed that if my children came home from school with a bunch of raffle tickets to flog I'd just buy them myself thus cutting out the middle man and avoiding those slightly awkward reminder phone calls and transfers of small change between family members. (Plus the merits of involving children with an activity that the Department of Internal Affairs defines as gambling are yet to be established.)
Well, it may have taken 20 years but last week my daughter came home from her small country school in Hawke's Bay with 10 raffle tickets. My heart sank when I saw them. Who would we sell these to? How would we get rid of them? Then I remembered I had it sorted. I sent her back to school with them the next day with a cheque and a note that read: "Enclosed please find a cheque for $30. We're happy to make a donation but don't really need the raffle tickets. Thanks."
By now my strategy had evolved from "buying the tickets myself" to "making a donation in return for not having to take the tickets". Let someone else have the thrill of winning the $300 grocery voucher and other assorted prizes.