A courier driver's heart must surely sink when he (or she) has to make a delivery to a residential address. While a company address is virtually guaranteed to be open during normal business hours, it's not always easy to gain access to a private home.
And, while a business is likely to have a receptionist on hand to take receipt of a package, a home address may well be unoccupied for most of the day. Add to the mix locked gates, angry dogs and homeowners in a state of undress, and it's clear a courier driver's lot is not always a happy one.
Years ago I discovered from personal experience that a private home makes an unsuitable address for a courier parcel. All too often the courier would leave a card saying he (or she) had called while I was out. Then by the time I'd had the package redirected to an address where someone was in attendance all day (my husband's place of work), it would have been faster if the package had simply been sent through the standard mail system.
I've long been a fan of the postal service. I used to marvel at how a letter could be hand delivered to any New Zealand address for just 40-cents. (I won't mention that this same service once cost 4-cents because I'm far too young to remember that.)
When a parcel is sent by courier, all too often it's for the benefit of the sender. It can be highly inconvenient for the recipient - if they feel they have to stay in all day to sign for it or if they have to have it redirected to another address or (worse) have to travel to a depot to collect the package from the courier company.