Gentleman's clubs seem like something out of a different era. Established in the 19th century, they are indeed relics from a long lost past. The Northern Club's website says it "was founded by a group of prominent professional and business men in 1869 when the popularity of a gentleman's club was at its peak throughout the British Empire".
Dating back to 1853, the Auckland Club was the oldest local institution until it closed its doors in 2010 when its 250 members were able to join the nearby Northern Club which had a reported membership of 1600. My 2006 article examined both of these clubs, revealing that women had finally been permitted to join the Auckland Club in 1993. It wasn't an overwhelmingly successful strategy. The long-term member interviewed said that "we never got the inflow of women members that we'd have liked to have had". I noted without surprise that "[w]omen weren't beating the door down to join a club that had excluded them for 140 years".
It was the 1990 appointment of Dame Catherine Tizard as Governor-General that spurred both the Auckland Club and Northern Club to welcome women as members. Since both institutions prided themselves on having a close relationship with the Queen's representative in New Zealand, pragmatism alone dictated that they needed to move with the times and cease being a club for gentlemen only.
But, as already mentioned, women did not descend in droves. By 2006 just six per cent of the Auckland Club's members were women while a reported ten per cent of the Northern Club's members are female. Regardless of the relaxed gender rules, both remained very much gentlemen's clubs with a few ladies thrown in.
Before I wrote my initial article, I felt that the move to admit women members had been well overdue, that to shun females was a personal slight to women everywhere. But after visiting the clubs and speaking to members, I was more inclined to wonder why any women would want to spend their leisure time in such a testosterone-rich environment. Everything from the decor (patterned carpets, sombre portraits and trophy heads of dead animals) to the rules (often pertaining to the wearing of jackets and ties) were created with men in mind. These are not environments designed to make women feel at home.