When is there not an appropriate time for sequins? Never, I say. Defriend anyone who tells you otherwise; you don't need that kind of negativity in your life. Sequins are fun and colourful and awesome. Use them sparingly for an understated touch of glitz or do what I do and unleash your inner Liberace. This cushion is a playful way to incorporate more spangle in your life. I've gone for the ubiquitous "chill" but you could spell out a name, a slogan, a collective noun. Anything, really.
If you are in need of a handy cushion, I shall let you in on a little DIY secret: Kmart. That place is a goldmine for the craftily-minded. I went in for a cushion and came out with ribbon, coloured pencils, storage canisters and buttons. All good stuff, cheap and on-trend. It's an excellent place to find something affordable which you can then jazz up in your own special way.
• A store-bought fabric cushion: a bit of texture is fine but if the surface is too irregular it will be hard to attach your sequins (sorry fun fur, you're out).
• 1-2m of sequin string - try Spotlight or a craft supply store.