I've just gotten back from my very first "adult school camp". Not nearly as sexy and weird as it might sound, "Camp Do It" was a camp totally for adults. It had all the makings of a good old-fashioned school camp: a confidence course over an eel-infested swamp, archery, a tarpaulin water slide and bunk beds complete with plastic covered mattresses (handy in the event of an overnight accident). The whole thing was straight out of the safety-adverse 80s.
READ MORE: • NZ study: Kids encouraged to play with knives, fire on playgrounds
Twenty adults took two days out of their busy, responsibility-laden lives to cut loose and throw caution to the wind - easily done on the go-karts with no brakes. Apparently the best way to avoid an accident as you sped down hill was to just "throw yourself out if you got freaked, or risk breaking both your legs". Great.

Despite the threat of broken bones, we all still asked "why don't we do this more often?" Sometimes it's just no fun to "adult". I could write a big list of all the things you have to do as a grown up (bills, taxes, responsibilities, decision making, waking up to an alarm every day… stop me now before we both end up in the foetal position).