I hope everyone had a relaxing break over the summer holidays. Returning to work is a great time to put good, consistent self-care practices into place, so you don't find yourself burnt out again at the end of the year - or sooner.
When returning to work or your daily routine, ease back in. Sometimes we head back to our everyday work full of ideas and excited about new projects, only to drop with exhaustion in a few weeks' time. It's natural to feel quickly tired and unable to focus as the body shifts out of holiday mode and adjusts to working life, so be prepared for this.
Keep your schedule light if possible, and be aware that you may require extra relaxation and sleep time in your first weeks back from your break.
The most important part of looking after your nervous and adrenal system is to be proactive in your care for it. Don't wait until you're feeling overwhelmed and stressed to take action. If stress is something that constantly is an issue for you, build in daily self-care rituals at the outset to help your body react to and process stress better.