Mastering a balanced lifestyle is often the most important goal according to health professionals the world over, myself included. A balanced life encompasses all areas of your health and happiness, and when applied specifically to the world of fitness and nutrition it will ensure great results and ongoing success. But finding a good equilibrium that works specifically for you can be a challenge, which is where some general rules and guidance can help.
Not sure if spin class clashes with your cycling routine? Wondering if boot camp is for you? What's the one piece of technology that you need to have for running right now? All those questions you're too shy to ask trainers at the gym - share them to us. Personal trainer and fitness expert Sam Bluemel will be joining us for a live chat tomorrow from 12 until 1pm. You can send us your questions early here here. And mark it in your calender to join the fun online tomorrow.
When most people feel inspired to embrace a healthier lifestyle the first thing they'll do is start cutting out every single 'bad' thing from their diet and envisioning a week of torture at the gym. But remember this - eating well and getting fit doesn't have to be the horrendous uphill battle most of us imagine. The trick is understanding your life - your time restrictions, preferences, budget, social calendar and work life. Then fit new habits in a around your other priorities.
Here are some of the tricks I use to help strike the right kind of balance for your lifestyle.
The 80/20 Rule
This is one of easiest ways I get new clients to start visualising their lifestyle as a whole, and start applying some new 'rules'. It's a simple one to follow: eat well 80 per cent of the time, exercise five days a week, then allow yourself treat meals and a couple of rest days. For most people, it's easiest to split the week into two blocks - Monday to Friday and the weekend - making Saturday and Sunday rest days with room for indulgent meals. But take a look at your own schedule and figure out the times you're most likely to veg out on the couch or head out for dinner and work these in to your balance.