Longevity, seen as the ultimate reason for a healthy lifestyle, involves a mix of good eating, regular exercise, stress management, and quality sleep. Photo / 123rf
Personal trainer Samantha Bluemel shares insights on how to balance pleasure and longevity, explore extreme longevity lifestyles, manage genetics for a healthier life, and prioritise well-being for a brighter, longer future.
I have some conflicting thoughts on longevity. Namely, that it’s an elusive concept to wrap my head
around in a way that leads to any concrete action in the present. I don’t sit around apologising to the future 80-year-old me for every glass of wine I drink or piece of cake I hoover up, nor does the length of my life play on my mind when I skip a workout. The same logic applies to next-month me or next-year me; making decisions now for a future reality doesn’t really hold the weight it feels like it should.