1. My nephews
I have two nephews, Archie, two, and Jimi, two months. Archie is an absolute champ and I'm sure if it wasn't for my sister and her husband his first words would have been Sam, Jimi still has hope! And it's no question that I am their favourite uncle.
2. Cap
A first attempt of mine was this cap - based on an old military hat with ear flaps from an army surplus store in Christchurch, which I reworked into this. I have worn it to death and it's pretty much ready to take its place as a display on my shelf.
3. Photo by Scott Davies of Mototapu and Rangitoto island
A photo of some friends and me on top of a bunker on Motutapu Island. Rangitoto Island, in the background, is one of my favourite places. My family is lucky enough to have a bach there and it is where I spent most of my holidays as a kid. The night of this photo was particularly calm with no wind or clouds in sight - it was pretty unforgettable.
4. Google Reader
I start every day by checking my Google Reader - it puts everything I want to see on the internet in one place with all its updates. It's such a good way to keep up to date with collections, music and anything of interest.
5. My Vans
I have always bought Vans and I still can't stop - they get better the older they get, but as soon as they get dirty I want a new pair.
6. Backpack
This was my first ever attempt at making a backpack, which I sewed on my mum's domestic sewing machine ... which the pack may or may not have broken. Aside from a few design flaws, it's pretty much perfect.
7. Auckland sketch
This came from my legend of a grandad who has impeccable taste. It's a birds-eye sketch by Gary Roberts of Auckland City in 1984. It has amazing detail and you can stare at it for hours, the only thing it needs is a stadium down by the water...
8. Graduation watch
My brother gave me a watch by Claude Bernard for my graduation. I had always wanted it but could never really afford such luxuries. It's hard not to wear it daily but I can't resist.
9. Shaker Milo
400ml of milk, 2 large tablespoons of Milo, and you have a winner. It's the best drink little money can buy.
10. 7-a-side football
There is nothing better than the 7-a-side football in the summer at College Rifles, it's the best quality game I have ever played and it needs to be a yearly league! It's on artificial grass which grazes like hell but well worth it for the after-match beers.