It's a common mistake - you want to lose weight, and you want to do it as quickly as possible. While prepping yourself for the workouts and meal plans that you're imagining are going to be torturous, you're also frantically Googling weight loss tricks, tips, magic spells, anything to make the journey easier.
You stumble upon the 'natural weight loss pills' that promise to burn more energy in an hour than a week spent running, there's the superfood berries that if eaten continuously for 72 hours will make you shed 3kg in an instant, you've heard of diuretics, 7 day lemon detox and this-will-melt-fat-like-nothing-else teas. Hundreds of products promising an instant solution to your weight loss goals - if only they worked as effectively as promised.
To add to the confusion, there are products that promise to 'assist' your weight loss journey, and this is where most of us trip up.
While most won't work, some actually will make a marginal difference in your training, and others will do wonders for your motivation when used correctly. However, more often than not, it's disappointing results and an unnecessary hole in your wallet that results.
I've investigated the options available share the dangers that can be associated with them. Keep in mind, more than anything else, it's a regular fitness regime and balaned nutrition that is going to get you the results.