Using this sleep calculator or the easy-to-remember, you can work out what time you need to go to bed to make sure you feel sprightly in the morning.
Both calculators take into account the average time it takes for people to drop off to sleep (14 minutes).
How much sleep do we need?
Adults need seven to nine hours per day, while 7 to 12 year-olds need 10 to 11 hours. If the whole family needs to be up at 7am you could send the children to bed at 9.46pm and stay up a little later yourself until 11.16pm.
How much sleep we need depends partly on our age, with babies needing the most at up to a whopping 16 hours a day, but over 65s needing the least at just seven to eight hours.
The amount children need to sleep drops steadily as they grow older, with toddlers needing 12-14 hours but 12 to 18 year-olds just eight to nine hours.
For the majority of our adult lives we should get a recommended seven to nine hours shut-eye a night to stay healthy.
Many will know it's not always possible to get the full nine hours but by using the calculator you can work out what time to sleep to try to ensure you wake up with a lower chance of feeling exhausted.
There are different phases of each sleep cycle, starting with three stages of non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREM) which get progressively deeper, followed by a fourth phase of rapid-eye movement sleep (REM), which is when we are in a deep enough sleep to dream.
Each person should go through five or six 90-minute sleep cycles a night and if you are woken during REM sleep you may feel tired for the rest of the day, so it is best to wake between phases; after a multiple of 90 minutes since you dropped off.
If you have trouble getting to sleep the Sleep Council recommends making sure your bedroom is completely dark, tidy and not too hot or cold, as well as avoiding using phones, laptops or TVs in the bedroom or working there during the day.