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Ponsonby Rd is in Rotorua. The bar, I mean, not the street. The lower bit of Tutanekai St that is cutely christened Eat Streat has in the past year been roofed in, so it has a bustling, busy feel. The move has attracted new operators, among them a jazzy lounge bar that takes its name from Auckland's top dining strip.
As somebody who remembers Ivan's, Joe's Bargain House and the Vista Bar, I felt chuffed. Are they learning to love us Jafas in the provinces?
I use the word "provinces" with trepidation. The last time I reviewed disparagingly a restaurant in provincial New Zealand, the proprietor formed a lynch mob and a reporter from the local newspaper rang demanding an explanation. But this place is great, in large part because, not in spite, of its small-town feel.
Take this: our waitress, who happens to be one of the owners, laid the last of the five dishes we'd ordered on the table and said, "Right, so that's you finished". It was a comment made more to herself than to us and it had the slightly harried tone of a mother who is doing 12 things at once and I found it utterly charming.