This is the perfect time of the year to preserve some lemons and limes for your North African cooking. These make great pantry presents (Christmas is coming) but if you're not giving any away you don't need vast quantities.
1 Sterilise some jars. They need to be wide-mouthed and have a good screw top.
2 Wipe over the limes or lemons; thin-skinned lemons are best.
3 Cut each citrus into a "flower". Quarter with a knife but leave the base connected so you can open out 4 "petals".
4 Get some plain salt, not iodised and not your expensive salt flakes. It will be sold as cooking salt, raw salt, unbleached salt or common salt. Pack the citrus "flower" with the salt and sit in the jar, packing in as many lemons or limes as you can. Pack more salt around them.