You need the freshest of fish to make this.
1. Sliver the fillets into small slices.
2. Toss in lime or lemon juice and set aside for half an hour.
3. Finely dice some nashi pear.
4. Segment a pink grapefruit.
Raw fish with nashi avacado and ruby grape fruit. Photo / Doug Sherring
You need the freshest of fish to make this.
1. Sliver the fillets into small slices.
2. Toss in lime or lemon juice and set aside for half an hour.
3. Finely dice some nashi pear.
4. Segment a pink grapefruit.
5. Cut thin slices of avocado.
6. Drain the fish, gently squeezing it to extract excess juice.
7. Mix with the fruits and add some watercress micro greens. Season with a little salt.
Serve in lettuce cups. Offer thick coconut cream on the side.
New York Times: Researchers have linked shift work to a variety of health and sleep issues