Serves 4-6
• 2 Tbsp oil
• 1kg beef steak, cut in 2cm cubes
• 2 rashers smoky bacon, diced
• 1 onion, chopped
• 4 cloves garlic, crushed
• 2 sticks celery, sliced
• 2 carrots, peeled and sliced
• 50g porcini mushrooms, soaked in 1 cup water
• 2 stalks rosemary
• 1 cup red wine
• 1 400g tin chopped tomatoes
• Salt and pepper, to taste
• 12 baby onions, peeled
• ¼ cup each of basil, parsley
1. Preheat oven to 150C. Heat oil in a large pot or one that can be transferred to oven. Brown the beef in batches until sides are sealed. Remove and set aside.
2. Add bacon, onion, garlic, celery, onion and carrots, and cook for 5 minutes until softened.
3. Add beef, mushrooms and water, rosemary, wine, tomatoes and salt and pepper.