Makes 16
• 150g goat's cheese
• ¼ cup cornflour
• 2 eggs, lightly beaten
• 2 cups panko breadcrumbs
• Grape seed or sunflower oil for frying
• Runny manuka honey (to serve)
1. Divide the goat's cheese and roll into walnut-size balls. Continue until all the cheese has gone. Place on to plastic wrap and refrigerate for 15 minutes.
2. Place the cornflour, egg and breadcrumbs into separate bowls. Roll the balls in flour, dip in egg then roll in breadcrumbs to completely cover. Place into the freezer until ready to cook.
3. In a medium-size pot heat 4cm of oil. Drop a crumb into the oil to test if it is hot enough for your goat's cheese balls. If it turns brown in 20 seconds you are ready to go.