There are so many things that can damage your relationship over time: his friends; his personality; his weird trousers that show too much ankle. And now there's one more! Television.
It's not what you think: the betrayal that occurs when you're watching a series together but then in your temporary absence he goes ahead with it, WITHOUT YOU. Although that too causes serious disharmony - I've been there, and my heart was heavy.
No, television can erode your couple cocoon in another, more serious way: through the untruths about relationships it beams into your face every night. How do we know this? Because research has found people who "watch more romantically themed programming" and believe TV relationships are realistic were missing vital circuitry in their brains.
Kidding - they were just miserable in their relationships, and more likely to cheat.
In a study published by Scientific American Mind recently, researchers from Albion College in Michigan analysed 392 married people, including their viewing habits, their beliefs about the portrayal of TV 'relationships', and - importantly - the health of their marriages. Unsurprisingly, people who felt TV couplings were more or less spot on had more complaints about their spouse. They also didn't feel sexually satisfied, were less committed to the marriage, and worried their relationship wasn't up to scratch when it came to how a relationship should be.