Once upon a time there was a country called Singapore whose government grew worried about its aging population and low birthrate, and wanted to persuade young women to get on with breeding. Its authorities sat around for a bit, then hired some arty undergrads to create a collection of really blatant "fairy tales" about how getting married and having babies is the BEST THING EVER, DO IT DO IT DO ITTTT.
Amazingly, prior attempts to hammer the message home, like government-funded dating schemes and educational flyers on how to flirt, didn't do the job. So now it was time to think strategically and deliver baby fever through a medium smart young ladies really engage with on a daily basis, and definitely didn't leave behind when they were five years old.
Without further ado, highlights:
Alice in Wonderland
She wears a crop top with YOLO on it! She smokes a cigarette! She is "wild and reckless" and "gives up her cash to fly around rash"! Basically, Alice is an utter disaster of a woman/rules, who zooms from one party to the next with not a care in the world. Especially not for the biological clock inside her, with its droopy hands going round and round sadly and forever. Which is maybe a good thing? Because Alice is definitely not ready to have babies - she stands up in the passenger seat to drive her car, for goodness sake.