Janelle McCorquindale's message read: "I'd like to personally really thank you for changing my life. So much has changed: weight loss, mental clarity and more ...".
Janelle McCorquindale's message read: "I'd like to personally really thank you for changing my life. So much has changed: weight loss, mental clarity and more ...".
By Rachel Grunwell
COMMENT: As a health coach, the message I received from a client last week was ultimate.
Janelle McCorquindale's message read: "I'd like to personally really thank you for changing my life. So much has changed: weight loss, mental clarity and more ...
"I'm also shifting to Rotorua. My five-year plan just got fast-tracked. I'm so excited for my next chapter and thank you for the inspiration and help. You have no idea how much you helped me. Thank you."
Janelle was among 14 women at the Polynesian Spa Mindful Moments retreats in August.
The weekend-long retreats help people bring their mind, body and spirit into balance.
Clients have blissful "me time" and a luxury spa treatment. They are also guided through meditation, mindfulness, yoga and a wellness workshop.
I co-led these health retreats as a qualified yoga teacher and coach. I specialise in helping clients uplift their health and happiness levels. I do this through strategies around mindset, diet, movement and lifestyle.
Janelle told me the retreat and sessions at the Strong Like a Girl gym are to thank for her transformation. Photo / Supplied
My mission is to help Kiwis to live a life they truly love and I know a lot of science-backed wellness knowledge to help people.
Most clients come away from these retreats with a single goal in mind. However, Janelle, a 43-year-old accountant from Auckland, really transformed. She walked away from the retreat inspired to aim for several goals.
Since the retreat, she has lost 8kg (going from a size 14 to 8). She has taken up mountain biking and is about to start a new job in Rotorua. She's also less stressed and happier and has more confidence.
I chatted to Janelle last week. She told me the retreat and her sessions at the Strong Like a Girl gym are to thank for her transformation.
"The retreat gave me the time and space to stop and think about the direction of my life and where I was going ...
"I struggle with depression and so it's hard to find that space for myself.
Janelle told me the retreat and sessions at the Strong Like a Girl gym are to thank for her transformation. Photo / Supplied
"Finding the community there ... I found it was full of like-minds. This was so helpful because often you don't get the chance to meet people like this.
"It gave me the mental mind-shift to 'I can't do things' to 'now things are possible'.
"Through lots of things you said and following you on Instagram (@inspiredhealthandfitness) ... it kept me motivated!" Janelle says.
I'm so proud of Janelle and I told her she inspires me now too! Running these retreats is a soul-kind-of-thing. Helping people is a coach's ultimate work goal.
Meanwhile, join me if you want to learn some tools on how to uplift your health and happiness. The next Mindful Moments retreat I'm running is November 10-11. There are a few spots left so book in quick. Check out www.polynesianspa.co.nz/mindful-moments-retreat.
• Rachel Grunwell is an award-winning writer, wellness expert, coach, yoga teacher and director of the lifestyle website inspiredhealth.co.nz.