Monday, September 26 marks a special one-off public holiday in honour of the Queen. Photo / Getty Images
Monday, September 26 marks a special one-off public holiday in honour of the Queen. Photo / Getty Images
Aotearoa gets a public holiday today in honour of the Queen, her legacy and her service to the Commonwealth.
The day will include a number of official ways to commemorate the late monarch, including special memorial services across the country.
And the good news for those wanting to either celebrate the Queen outdoors - or simply just enjoy a long weekend out and about - the weather is expected to be fine.
The majority of the North Island will be fine, aside from some areas in Northland and along the east who might have to put up with cloudy periods and the odd isolated shower.
The South Island will also be fine, aside from the chance of isolated showers on the West Coast.
If you're in Wellington you can head along to the Cathedral of St Paul for the 2pm state memorial service for the Queen, while Aucklanders can mark the occasion at a service at the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Parnell from 5pm.
Auckland will also go purple for the night with the Harbour Bridge, Eden Park, Sky Tower and Te Ara Whiti - The Lightpath all bathed in the colour associated with the royal family.
Ahead of the public holiday, the Transitional Cathedral in Christchurch held a special service to honour the Queen at 5pm on Sunday. If you can't (or don't want to) make it to one of the special memorial services, there are still a number of other ways you can pay a quiet tribute to the late Queen.
There's no better time to raise a cuppa (English breakfast, of course) to Her Majesty and celebrate her life. So, here are a few other, lower key ways to celebrate the Queen on Monday.
The Queen is said to have an enjoyed a mid-morning tipple. Photo / Getty Images
Dress up and host a royal high tea
After you've knocked back some Special K for brekky - the Queen's favourite cereal - pop on a pastel pink outfit, a string of pearls and your best hat and you're ready to host a high tea fit for the royals themselves.
Serve up a pot of Twinings, some marmalade on toast, and some cucumber sandwiches. You could even pour out some martinis or a gin and Dubonnet with lemon - reportedly Her Majesty's favourite morning tipple.
Queen Elizabeth's love for her corgis is well-known. Photo / Getty Images
Walk your corgis
Or your German shepherds, or your jack russells, or your huskies. Or, if you're rural, take your pony for a spin - and if you're really keen, sign the family up for a horse riding lesson.
The Queen loved her horses and dogs - who could forget the emotional moment her beloved corgis and pony watched her funeral procession?
Today is a good day to show your pets some love. Take them down the local dog park, let them play in the river and at the end of the day, dish out some well-deserved treats.
Binge watch The Crown
There's a reason The Crown is back in Netflix's top 10. It's a timeless and nostalgic comfort show that may or may not be an accurate depiction of the life and times of the royals from before Elizabeth's reign to the dramatic events of more recent years.
There are countless other movies about the Queen to choose from if you're in the mood for a movie night. Or maybe documentaries are more your thing, in which case there are many to choose from across different streaming services from Netflix to TVNZ+.
The Crown is known for its dramatic depiction of the royal family. Photo / Netflix
Wander down Queen St
If the weather's fine, why not go for a royal walkabout? Go for a stroll down Queen St in your monochrome outfit, or maybe even rent a limo like Her Majesty once did and make an event out of it.
Don't forget to wear gloves and wave gracefully at acquaintances and strangers you pass on the street.
A public holiday is as good a time as any to spend some quality downtime with your loved ones.
Maybe you even have a Harry and Meghan in your life. Why not use today as a chance to reach out, reconnect and spend time with the people who matter most?