Harry has been accused of hypocrisy again after undermining his anti-misogyny stance. Photo / Getty Images
Harry has been accused of hypocrisy again after undermining his anti-misogyny stance. Photo / Getty Images
A royal expert has slammed Prince Harry for his “outrageous” remarks about women in his memoir.
In his bombshell autobiography, Spare, the Duke of Sussex referred to a female editor as “a loathsome toad … an infected pustule on the a*se of humanity”.
He also describes a “cold, small” matron at his school whose disability meant “walking was hard”.
Harry detailed how he and his school friends would “stand on the landing below her doing antic dances, making faces, mocking her as she came down the stairs”.
Speaking with UK news channel GB News’ Dan Wootton Tonight, available to stream on Flash, royal biographer Lady Colin Campbell reacted to the Duke’s comments.
The author claims Harry’s misogyny is far more shocking than Jeremy Clarkson’s remarks about Meghan Markle.
Harry scorned his former matron, detailing how he and his school friends at Eton would “stand on the landing below her doing antic dances, making faces, mocking her as she came down the stairs”. Photo / Getty Images
The outspoken columnist said in a since-redacted article that he fantasised about Meghan being paraded through Britain naked while having excrement thrown at her.
“Clarkson was making an allusion to a scene in the popular series Game of Thrones so let’s put that in its correct context,” Lady Campbell said on the programme.
“While Harry – okay he was young at the time – but some children are cruel and others aren’t.”
“No child I would regard as desirable would be mocking a matron who had scoliosis!”
The royal insider added: “What is so insensitive about Harry’s comment is that his cousin Eugenie had scoliosis!”
“It cuts very close to the bone and it shows that Harry rarely has control over his mouth or indeed being a decent person.”
“I think it’s outrageous.”
Lady Colin Campbell claims that Harry’s misogyny is far more shocking than Jeremy Clarkson’s remarks about Meghan Markle. Photo / ITV - screenshot
Lady Campbell went on to label Harry as “abusive”, claiming Clarkson’s “cack-handed” comments about Meghan were not comparable to the Prince’s misogynistic slurs.
“Clarkson should have mentioned his allusion to Game of Thrones, that was an omission,’ she said. “But Harry makes admissions that are cruel and unfeeling.”
“And I’m afraid you don’t develop feelings as you get older.”
“You’re either born with a heart or without one.”
Jeremy Clarkson said in a since-redacted article that he fantasised about Meghan being paraded through Britain naked while having excrement thrown at her - referencing a scene from Game of Thrones. Photo / Getty Images
Since the release of Spare, Harry’s memoir has landed him in hot water.
The Prince boasted of killing more than two dozen Taliban fighters while he was in the Middle East as an Apache helicopter pilot for the British Army.
He said he did not regard those he killed as “people”, instead describing them as “chess pieces”.
Haqqani tweeted: “Mr Harry! The ones you killed were not chess pieces, they were humans; they had families who were waiting for their return.”
The Prince boasted of killing more than two dozen Taliban fighters while he was in the Middle East as an Apache helicopter pilot for the British Army. Photo / Getty Images
“Among the killers of Afghans, not many have your decency to reveal their conscience and confess to their war crimes.”
Another Taliban commander, Molavi Agha Gol, told MailOnline that Harry was “a big mouth loser who has been trying to get attention”.
“I do not even believe what he said about the Mujaheddin. He is a loser and scared to go to a combat zone. We made history by kicking him and his army out of our homeland and he should be very angry about that,” he said.
“Do not believe whatever losers tell you. I see news about him a lot on my Facebook feed and really think he’s gone mad and needs a doctor immediately.”
Agha Gol added that if Harry was a “real man and not a f***ing loser” he would return to Afghanistan.
Harry was paid an estimated $US40 million (NZ$61.8 million) for a four-book deal and his first memoir has delved into private behind-the-scenes conversations with his family.
In his bombshell autobiography, Spare, the Duke of Sussex referred to a female editor as “a loathsome toad … an infected pustule on the a*se of humanity”. Photo / Getty Images
Readers were stunned by his accounts of a fight with Prince William in his kitchen and private conversations with his elder sibling and father.
The Prince documents clashing with William over the Sussexes’ Oprah Winfrey interview and describes how his father begged his sons: “Please, boys, don’t make my final years a misery.”