In popular adult site PornHub's 2016 Year In Review, they released interesting data on their userbase -- including the fact that New Zealand is 5th highest in per capita page views.
Kiwis have landed a spot on the top ten list of countries that watch the most porn.
Coming in 5th, New Zealanders view 173 pages each on average.
Pornhub has released their 2016 year in review report which reveals trends and insights.
Only America, Iceland, the United Kingdom and Canada beat New Zealand on the per capita list. Americans, dominated top spot with an average of 221 porn pages each.
These countries contributed to the 92 billion videos that were watched over the course of 23 billion visits to the site "by many millions of horny visitors", stated the report. Around 4.6 billion hours of porn were watched in the last year.
Kiwis topped the list for watching porn. PHOTO/Jason Dorday
Lesbian was the number one search term worldwide, with step mom taking out second place, followed by MILF. India and Japan took their patriotism to the bedroom with their top searches including - Indian, Indian wife and Indian college and Japanese, Japanese teen and Japanese amateur.
Italy might be taking their interest in footwear to a whole new level with the term "footjob" making it into their top three searches.
Overwatch was a hot new term for countries like Brazil, Spain and Russia. It referenced a popular video game known for its fast action and overtly sexualised characters.
Sex therapist Dr Laurie Betito believed the porn trend was moving more towards fantasy and away from reality.
"'Generic' porn is being replaced with fantasy specific or scenario specific scenes," Betito said.
"One thing is certain; the typical 'in-out, in-out' no longer satisfies the masses, who are clearly looking for something different."
Filipinos were the longest Pornhub visitors with an average browse lasting 12 minutes 45, while Cubans only lasted five minutes.
Kim Kardashian stars in the most watched Pornhub movie. PHOTO/file
Kim Kardashian was the star of Pornhub's most viewed video but she has dropped to third place for most searched porn star behind "everyone's favorite MILF queen- Lisa Ann, and Lebanon's very own mega-babe Mia Khalifa".
Women, who make up 26 per cent of Pornhub's visitors, were keen searchers for the lesbian genre, 'lesbian scissoring' and 'lesbian seduces straight' made it into the top searches. Men on the other hand were more interested in family.
"'MILF' is the number one searched term by dudes visiting Pornhub," the report stated.
"Followed very closely by everything and anything step-family related- namely 'step mom', 'step sister', 'mom', 'step mom and son'."
Betito thought women could be experimenting with their sexuality via the website.
"Looking at the statistics, one might assume that women who are bi-curious are turning to Pornhub for education, ideas, validation and inclusion."
In April last year Pornhub released virtual reality porn and gave away 10,000 pairs of free VR glasses. They now have over 1800 VR videos. China, Thailand and Hong Kong are the top three countries where VR is most searched
Around 60 per cent of Pornhub visitors are millennials aged between 18 and 34. Only 4 per cent is made up of people aged 65 and over.
As most of Pornhub's viewers are millennial aged men search terms are affected by major sporting events. The website can track traffic trends to the site during the Super Bowl 50. Traffic tapered off when the pre-game show started but had a little peak at half time. Once the game was over traffic sharply rose.
The website brought out the night owl in its users with the most popular hours to watch existing between 10pm and midnight.