Pony McTate makes enough colourful, woolly spheres to go around.
I should have known. The rainbow colours, the tactile nature, the ease of making. Now I have a fully-fledged addiction to felted balls. I want them all over the place. Strung up in the sunroom. Festooned from the fridge. There's just something so moreish about these little balls of woolly goodness, isn't there?
You start with wool roving, which is raw wool that has been cleaned, combed and dyed but hasn't yet been spun into yarn. It is soft and fibrous and often comes in a long narrow bundle. The felting process uses hot soapy water and your hands to mesh all those fibres together into a dense little ball.
I've strung my little balls together with needle and thread to make a gorgeous garland. You could try a necklace. If you make enough, you could string them together so each ball touches and coil the whole thing into a round mat (secure it with stitches as you go). Or do the same thing with wee balls and make coasters instead. So many lovely possibilities. Time to rock and roll.
What you'll need
• Wool roving - I got mine from needlefelting.co.nz. Jo stocks loads of colours and it's all from NZ corriedale sheep. A 50cm bundle of roving will render about 5-6 small balls.
• Hot soapy water - I use a small squirt of dishwashing liquid to a cup or so of the hottest water I can get from the tap. Keep refreshing your water so it stays hot.