In America, Halloween marks the "fattening of the nation". It's both expected and liberating to know that elastic pants will become completely acceptable for the next 12 weeks. You start with copious amounts of candy and then it's all on, literally and figuratively, until New Year's. As a teen/young adult in the US "holiday season" begins tonight, marking a couple of fabulous months of gob-stuffing gloriousness.
Halloween gained popularity in the US when immigrants brought with them the tradition of celebrating All Hallows' Eve. I'm terribly unclear on the details but it involved saints, harvests and, for some weird reason, pumpkins. This imported celebration was challenged by puritans who strongly believed that rather than a Christian holiday it was wicked paganism and, at its worst, the sign of a heathen.
Even today a lot of conservative religions oppose celebrating anything Halloween related. How it got so mixed up and contradictory is hard to understand but, then again, how did bunnies and chickens get caught up in the death of Christ? And, for that matter, how did Santa, his octo-reindeer and elves ever end up in with the nativity scene?
I have a slight problem with Halloween being celebrated here in New Zealand. Not because I'm opposed to the over-consumption of sugar, or because I'm a member of the Dental Association, but simply because it's a bullsh*t commercial rort. Up until a decade or two ago it wasn't even the tiniest of things here.
I guess with the homogenization of youth culture we bought in to the practices of buying candy in bulk, dressing up as witches and pirates, and annoying old neighbours who had no idea what was going on.