Last week in the Herald "Rants and Raves" section I stumbled across a blood-boiling rant. Whoever the ranter was made me immediately want to have crazy sex with them. No, not really, but I was excited that someone had visited the inner workings of my resentful soul and stolen my words. How very sexy to be able slip into my soul like that.
The person was making the justified comment that people who park in disabled parking spots because they have a sticker, and send their able friend into the store, are completely missing the point and/or taking the piss.
The sticker is so that you, you poor infirm, elderly, arthritic, mumps-bearing person can park and only have to toddle a few steps to buy your Tena lady pads, broccoli, or cat food. It's not a free pass "Advance to Go. Collect $200" sticker. If your friend is able and going into the store, then you can park bloody anywhere. Stop taking the piss.
Why does this upset me so? Well, firstly it's stupid and selfish, but it takes me back to about a year ago. Nothing to do with carparks, but rather disabled bathroom stalls. Now, before you go all Kung Fu Panda on my ass, I need you to know that disabled bathroom stalls should be avoided if others are empty, and it's probably more courteous not to use one if you're not in a wheelchair BUT there is no law saying you can't use one. Go wild, it's totally within the law.
I was at Westfield, one of my fave places to do my zombie walk of shopping shame, and felt a sudden need to go to the bathroom. It wasn't one of those "Gosh I need to pee!" moments. It was more one of those "I've eaten something dodgy and if I pass wind it's going to be like a scene from Bridesmaids" moments. I shuffled, tight-buttocked to the bathrooms. Because of the nature of my ailment I chose the outer disabled bathroom. To be fair, this was a disabling condition. Just as I sat down and the 1812 Overture began in the tiny room, someone started madly pounding on the door. The glass was semi-opaque and I could see the outline of a man in a wheelchair. His voice was getting louder.