The person who designed the house we live in in the country decided to make the most of the space available to maximise storage. We have a basement, a double garage with a mezzanine, a room we call a cloakroom even though the family could not rustle up a single cloak between us, and an attic.
So, spoiled for space. In fact, it's part of family legend now that the attic was only discovered after we had been living here for several weeks. Partly because who on Earth has an attic?
And in case you're wondering, yes, it is handy and yes, there is something a little bit creepy about it.
You would think all that space means items disappear into it. But no — this is one case where more is less. Just as work expands to fill the time available in which to do it, so crap accrues to fill the space available in which to store it.
With all that space at your disposal the tendency is to throw anything at it, never to throw anything away and to adopt as an efficient storage strategy the practice of standing in the doorway and biffing stuff into a corner — corners that, in many cases are getting nearer and nearer the door as the stuff mounts up.