I belong to a secret club. It doesn't have a definitive title, but we recognise fellow members on the street. We usually have at least two pieces of Lego and something Spidermanny in our handbags, and are blithely going about our business even when the surrounding noise has reached decibel I-can't-believe-you-can still-hear-anything level. When we meet each other in social situations and realise our common status, we exchange knowing laughs, relieved looks and more likely than not a tale or two of mass destruction. Welcome to the Mother of Three Boys Club (MOTBC).
You can't be in our club if you have two boys, and certainly not if you have a girl. Elitist? Perhaps. But we mothers of three boys just need ... something.
When we meet, we don't have to comment on the level of mind-blowing noise three boys can create. We're sisters in arms. We've all got our war stories of that time we stumbled into the bathroom half awake at 3am only to plop down on a seat covered in cold pee, because our boys were "swordfighting" before bed.
We've cleaned that pee off the floor. We've cleaned it off the walls. Heck, once we even cleaned it off the bathroom mirror. (Still trying to figure out how that episode went down.)
Fellow members of the MOTBC just get it.