Parents trying to buy healthy food for their young children are being hampered by high levels of artificial additives, long lists of ingredients and confusing health claims on packaging, according to research published today.
Although the vast majority of parents try to avoid buying foods high in fat, salt and sugar, more than a third said they did not know what half of the ingredients listed on packets were. Only 8 per cent said they trusted manufacturers to provide healthy products for their children.
Nutritionists have helped to compile a list of dirty dozen ingredients in childrens food which parents are advised to avoid. These include artificial colourings such as brilliant blue and sunset yellow, flavourings such as monosodium glutamate, sweeteners such as sodium saccharine and aspartame, and preservatives such as sodium benzoate and sulphur dioxide.
Children-orientated high street brands which make use of them include Ribena (aspartame and acesulphame K), Robinsons fruit squash (aspartame) and blueberry Pop Tarts (brilliant blue, indigo carmine). Their manufacturers either declined to comment or did not respond yesterday.
Dr Frankie Phillips, a nutritionist, said: Snacks designed for older children and adults even those marketed as healthy can contain far more salt and sugar than is good for a toddler. As a mum of four girls, I look at labels myself and really think about what they mean, so make as much as I can from scratch.