Last week I went for a walk with a friend up One Tree Hill. In Cornwall park we stopped at a water fountain. How nice, I thought. Why aren't there more old-school water fountains around?
Most of us know water is our best choice of drink, and many of us carry our own water bottles. But have you ever been stuck when you're out with nowhere to refill? Filling a bottle in public bathrooms is not such a palatable option for some, even though that water is the same as kitchen tap water. And most of us probably wouldn't feel comfortable rocking up at a cafe and asking for a refill.
But what if you could? If one clever non-profit group has its way, this will soon be a reality for everyone. It's already in place in hundreds of cafes around the country.
RefillNZ has a goal of "making wai the drink of choice in New Zealand". Driven by a desire to reduce single-use plastic bottles and promote water for health, the group is collaborating with cafes, bars and council facilities to make it easy for people to pop into a cafe or bar to refill their water bottle for free.