COMMENT: Sitting on my bookshelf, among the other old diet and recipe books, is one of my favourite volumes: The Complete Woman Book of Successful Slimming.
This book was published in 1966 and contains photos of lithe ladies with perfectly coiffed hairdos exercising in modest black leotards. There's also some lavish, for the time, colour spreads of recipes in all their parsley-sprinkled glory, and advice on corsetry and "clothes that help you cheat" and look slimmer.
The thing that interests me most about this, though, is the diet advice, which is actually a a low-carb diet.
Cutting carbs is "the best of the modern methods", say the authors, and their meal plan lists most carbohydrate-containing foods in a complicated points system, to be limited to a certain number.
Meat "of any description (including canned meat, bacon, poultry, offal, liver sausage)" can be eaten freely, however, as can aspic, almonds, sour pickles and salt. A half-pint of milk is to be consumed every day.