You know those Instagram bios, "mother, son, father, friend, daughter, sister, wife, aunty, earth lover", basically every noun they can think of? I have another word to add. Hypocrite.
I have many faults, but if there is something I try not to be, it's a hypocrite. It's why I can't stand watching any piece of political news, I steer clear of current affairs shows and these days, when I have little energy to invest and would prefer watching a re-run of The Mindy Project, I can't engage too deeply with what's happening in the world. Texas, Afghanistan, New Zealand. I can't deal.
As much as I deplore it, after some weeks of having our daughter home and being a more active parent than when it's holiday time and literally anything goes, I worry that I've succumbed to hypocrisy's sticky fingers. I lay this blame firmly at the feet of parenting.
Parents are caught between being the people we are, the people we think we should be and the people we want our children to be. This tricky behavioural three-way lands us in all manner of trouble, especially once our children graduate from holding us in complete adoration and agreeing to every request we make, to creatures who can hold us accountable.