Let's talk pubic hair. I was an early adopter of the Brazilian wax, which was avant garde when it first hit our shores. My first was in 2002.
Years later, I mastered the art of administering the Hollywood, upon myself. Requiring a reasonable pain threshold and a flexible spine, I saved myself sums of money with my plucky DIY attitude.
Heavily pregnant in 2015, I lumbered into an LA salon to tidy myself up a week before my due date, because it makes all the difference to the birthing experience. Heavy sarcasm. It was one of the last times I would submit to this as ensuing months were taken up with other things. I didn't need to give pubic hair much thought.
I was in the bath one day when my daughter pointed to my pubic hair and laughed. It is kind of funny looking. But then I pondered that mine is the first adult female body that my daughter will see, and I decided it's important that she learns the changes that happen to our bodies, that have done for centuries and will continue to do so, are entirely natural, and more importantly, are normal. I became a champion for pubes.