My happy place is at the top of the Sky Tower. On a beautiful day you climb to the very top and you stand on the pinnacle on the little platform and the world's your oyster.
I have three guys in my team and we go to the very top of the Sky Tower, so 328m.
I have no fear of heights but a great respect for them.
We'll stop work at any winds higher than 25km/h because it starts being a health and safety issue. It doesn't feel much on the ground, but when you're way up in the air it feels like a hurricane.
I've been a rigger for nearly 25 years. I left school in South Africa not really knowing what I wanted to do and my father sent me to work in one of the gold mines. I didn't really know what a rigger was, but I applied for the apprenticeship and got selected. I worked on the gold mines, did a lot of contracting on a gas rig, and a lot of work for heavy industry, and then I got a job offer in New Zealand. I started working for SkyCity almost seven years ago.