Hannah Kaye has adopted Mt Eden as her favourite Auckland suburb, having lived there for three years. She tells Rebecca Kamm why she likes it so much.
The thing I like about Mt Eden is that it's so leafy and green, with access to nice places like Three Kings Reserve. It has a great community feel, too - not too busy, and central enough to get around easily.
I've lived here about three years. Originally because it was close to university and there were lots of student flats. Now I'm a dance educator for the Royal New Zealand Ballet - I go out to primary schools in Auckland and run workshops. It's very satisfying, not many kids have had experience with ballet or dance so seeing their confidence grow is very rewarding.
My favourite Mt Eden cafe is Frasers. It's really popular, they have great food and these amazing macaroon biscuits which are one of the main reasons I go. There's also nice art on the walls and it has quite extended hours, so you can always go there and grab something.
There's a little independent bookstore and tea shop called Chapter, which I love too.