She then welcomed twin daughters Delilah and Davina in May last year, and another set of twin girls, Darla and Dalanie, on June 17.
Couch, from Kansas, is engaged to the father of her second two sets of twins, Jeffrey Pressler. She told ABC that although twins don't run in their families, they each have lots of siblings.
"His mum had nine kids. My mum had 12 kids," she said.
Although Couch falls pregnant easily, she said the couple don't plan on having any more children in the near future.
"I feel blessed that I can even have babies," said Couch, who conceived her babies naturally. "When I talk to women that can't have kids, I consider donating my eggs. I would just have to speak with my spouse about it. I would be 100 per cent okay with it."
According to the stats, the odds of having three sets of twins is one in 88,000. However, obstetrics chief at University Hospitals Case Medical Centre, Marjorie Greenfield, said some women are more likely to have twins than others.
"It's partly statistical and it's partly genetic," Dr Greenfield told ABC.
"She probably doesn't release two eggs every single month, but there are people that are genetically prone to releasing two eggs. The way you get fraternal twins is by releasing two eggs. Identicals are not formed by releasing two eggs.
"If you release more eggs, therefore, you have a greater chance of having twins."
The family churns through 35 nappies a day, and Couch breastfeeds her newborns as well as spending $100 per week on formula for her 1-year-old daughters,