Most parents out there have heard all kinds of unsolicited advice and opinions from others, including things like "you're making a rod for your back" or "you'll still be putting them to sleep when they're teenagers" or any other kind of rubbish, albeit probably well-meaning, advice you can think of.
A woman shared a story that will stop any parent from worrying over whether they should stop cuddling their child to sleep.
Ashley Rose Fouts, from the US, shared the story of a mother who had been cuddling her baby to sleep since he was born.
"I've been rocking and cuddling my baby to sleep since the day he was born. I mentioned this to a nurse at my clinic recently. She said that she did the same thing with her son, and everyone warned her that she would still have a teenager sleeping in her bed," the mother said.
"And then she told me that, a few weeks ago, her teenage son came home from school very upset. He didn't want to talk, and just went to his room and listened to his music, typed on his phone and cried. The mother gave her son space, and night time came and she went to bed," the post continued.